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"What I Need is Something to Beat Up."

So while this episode on the whole is a good mix of comedy and serious themes on the whole. But for Artemis and Zatanna's side, it is mostly kept on the serious side, outside of a few lines. Either way, this is a dense episode and is certainly necessary although this episode may be the one episode one could say is an anthology episode; apart from the character growth of course. Without further ado, let's dive into 'Secrets'.

As Artemis approaches along with Zatanna(apart from a nice comedy bit with Captain Marvel) we immediately get the moment that Artemis understands that her chances with Conner are finished, as she watches Me'gan wrapping Conner for a mummy costume. Though Zatanna does give Artemis a helpful shove in that direction by wondering how long Conner and Me'gan had been together. Though it's not stated, as the best character material is, one could say that this is Artemis' confirmation that Wally is the person she is supposed to be with. But considering Artemis' history with men in her life and the fact that she is still not a big fan of Wally right now, it is understandable that she is upset at the news of another rejection. Though she does know Conner was never aware of it, not really blaming him for any part of this, more angry at herself for opening up to emotional hurt again.

Zatanna does, however, pick up on Artemis' pain and attempts to heal it with taking her out on the town. Here is where we really begin Artemis and Zatanna's friendship as Zatanna takes her out to maybe get a chance to talk to her for a while, but Artemis has other plans and just wants to beat up petty criminals. Both are unaware of this one-off character named 'Harm', who appears to be stalking them the entire time. No reason is given for this outside of maybe just looking for a good challenge.

After what appears to be a few hours of snuffing out some petty crime, Zatanna does comment on Artemis' ruthlessness, Artemis just shrugs that off as they had it coming; but the words have only come out of her mouth when there motorcycles explode. Harm does explain that he only got their attention because he wanted a chance to study their fighting techniques so he could find ways to kill their mentors. After showing that Harm has incredibly fast reflexes when he throws an explosive arrow back at Artemis, she and Zatanna spot this girl and decide to follow her.

Once they get on top of a building, Artemis ask this girl how she knows Harm? This girl's only response is "Secret". After a chase across multiple rooftops, Artemis decides to go ahead and fight Harm without weapons; both her losing her crossbow and him losing his sword. Artemis does seem fairly confident in her abilities in melee combat as she has had ninja training essentially. Harm is psychologically perceptive just observing Artemis' fighting techniques saying that she is "So unfocused. As one cannot fight one's opponent while fighting itself." Artemis intentionally tells him to be quiet after this line, clearly striking a nerve. Before the fight is finished, Zatanna gets knocked out trying to pick up the mystic sword, and Artemis looks back as Harm knocks her out. Before losing complete consciousness, Artemis does see that girl beside Harm.

That is all for this one guys. Hope you enjoyed this first part.

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