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"It Must've Been the Last Thing she Ever Saw."

After being knocked out for at least half an hour, Artemis and Zatanna are separated; each being tied up in chairs. Harm does ask how Artemis knew where his home was, Artemis retorts with him asking his partner. To which he responds that he has no partner.

During the interrogation with Artemis, Zatanna is set free by that little girl. Zatanna is confused by this, just trying to understand her motivation or at least which side she is on, until she finds a photo with her and Harm looking fairly normal.

After finishing the interrogation, Harm notices that Zatanna is loose with a girl he seems to recognize, and in a surprised look. Artemis is released by Zatanna, they follow the girl, but before they follow her Artemis is ready to shoot the girl in the head. Not knowing why Zatanna stopped her, they just decide to follow her because Harm, essentially, forces them to follow her. Before they head out of the house, Artemis shoots a sparkler arrow at Harm, which she knows he will catch; but he notices too late that all the gas in the kitchen is turned on high, making the kitchen explode.

Artemis and Zatanna try to find this mystery girl, until they see a grave, and a ghost pops out of it in the form of that girl. The girls are, admittedly, shocked for a moment. Zatanna seems to take it a little better than Artemis, considering that she has known and lived with mysticism her entire life and while Artemis accepted magic quicker than Wally, she is still hard to believe in something after death. This girl(revealed as Greta) shows a knife after Zatanna asks how she died. This may have the darkest implications of this series. Because Harm does say a little later in this scene that Greta needed to be sacrificed. Of course an obvious parallel to this could be radical religions, which require human sacrifice. Though there could be a more subtle commentary on what people will do for money, power or influence. Sure that subject itself may not be anything new, but there are very few, if any, that show the figurative affects as though they were literal. Just showing that the parts of a soul can be decayed if people are sacrificed in place of things.

After Greta appears in front of Harm, he assumes it's a spell by Zatanna; however, she says that she can't cast spells without words. Try as he might, Harm cannot fight his own guilt, shown by the fact that Greta takes that spiritual energy Harm used to wield the sword. Without the sword, we see that Harm is just some punk easily taken down by Artemis.

Zatanna promises to find a proper burial for Greta. This seems to put Greta at piece. Artemis, being abhorred by what Harm did, begins to slip up by nearly revealing a piece of her past to Zatanna. Before Artemis finishes, she catches herself. One could speculate that after experiencing something with family, Artemis wants to avoid anything that comes close to the extremes of this situation. May also be that Zatanna is the only member of the team that Artemis has been on a mission with by themselves; and given that time, soldiers could attest to the fact that dangerous situations draw individuals together and make it much more comfortable to reveal things being that any moment could be their last.

That's it for this one guys. Thanks for being patient. I do tend to make these one a week now, life is just in the way. Join me next time for 'Disordered'.

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